The 2019 season

The Kégresses at the Centenary Celebration at La Ferté-Vidame


Our Vice president Henrik Jacobsen participates at the Centenary Celebration at La Ferté-Vidame. Here is the photo report with the Kégresses who are present!

Græsted Veterantræf

8-10 June: tree days show, tentcamp and the Kégresse


5 June: one day show only with the Kégresse


Charlottenlund Classic Motor Meeting

2 June: one day show only with the Kégresse


Paris, Retromobile

6-10 February, pictures from two days trip.


The Citroën Jouet Kégresse was for sale, we din't ask the price.

A similar one was display in 2016 for € 18.000,-!


The Croissiere books we found, both was the english translation and early editions of The Black journey from 1928 at € 265,-, and An Eastern Odissey from 1935 at € 220,-