La Croisière Jaune

Enjoy the historical film from the Croisiere Jaune HERE


Dessins et Peintures d' Asie, a marvelous book with drawings from Alexandre Iacovleff.

Thanks to Jean-Pierre Dousson from La grande aventure des petites Citroën, who have made this document available to us! See the forum HERE


Download the document HERE

La Croissière Jaune books

From L’Asiathèque, a brief summary of the expedition, 56 pages in French.

From the Internet Archive you can read this full version from the Digital Library of India, a massive book of 534 pages you can read online or download.


Click on the front page to get to documents.

Photos courtesy of Conservatoire Citroën

Photos courtesy of Conservatoire Citroën

Photos courtesy of Conservatoire Citroën

Photos courtesy of Conservatoire Citroën

Photos courtesy of Conservatoire Citroën

Photos courtesy of Conservatoire Citroën

Photos courtesy of Conservatoire Citroën


The funeral of G M Haardt